
Original Oil Paintings

Paint continues all around the edges of the canvas, giving the collector the option of hanging the painting with or without a frame. Frames are not included. Painting will arrive wired in the back and ready to hang.


Prices are provided per request. All prices are in USD. Checks, Cash and Credit Cards are accepted. To make a payment, please contact Bobbie directly. or (213)447-7387


When you inquire about a purchase, please include your zip code (within the US) or your country (outside the US).  An estimate of the postage, packaging and insurance (where available) costs will be provided per your request. Order and shipping confirmation will be sent to you via email. Once payment is received,  you will typically receive your shipment through the US Postal Service within one week, except for custom orders.


Bobbie Rich is available to paint custom artwork.  She will create sketches from your personal photos or ideas.  You select which painting plan you prefer and Bobbie will begin on a canvas of your chosen size.  Bobbie will email the drawing on the canvas for your approval and to request or suggest a color scheme and patterning.  Upon your approval, she will complete the painting, sending you periodic painting update photos.  Timing and pricing available upon request.  Both are dependent on canvas size and subject matter.

When the order is placed, half of the cost of the order will be required as a down-payment and the balance will fall due upon completion and before shipping.

All Sales are Final 

